
  calculationType                      custom
  calculationMethod                    1

  units                                "mm"
  plotTitle                            "Symbols, dingbats and lines"
  xtitle                               ""                            # it should not look like an x-y plot
  ytitle                               ""
  pxmin                                -2                            # plot area large enough not clipped gray border
  pxmax                                18
  pxmajor                              2
  pymin                                -90
  pymax                                110
  pymajor                              20
  tickSize                             0
  axisNumberSize                       0
  axisLineWidth                        0
  extraSymbolsLines                    "symbols.dat"                 # contains the list of symbols and their positions etc
  extraText                            "extratextsymbols.dat"        # demonstrates superscripts etc