
# demonstrates how to add sample points to a predominance diagram for Mn
#  diagram based on a specific water chemistry - here Site 10

  jobtitle                        "Mn at Site 10 compared with other groundwater sources"
  calculationType                 ht1
  calculationMethod               1
  mainspecies                     "Mn"
  xmin                            3
  xmax                            10
  ymin                            -80.0
  ymax                            0.0
  resolution                      200

  plottitle                       "Site 10"
  xtitle                          pH
  extrasymbolslines               "extrasymbolslincslst.dat"         # contains the coordinates etc of the sample points to place on plot
  extratext                       "extratextmainspecies.dat"         # extra annotation for plot
  yscale                          pe                                 # use pe for yscale even though redox driven by fO2(g)

  pxmin                           3                                  # force plot range and tick interval
  pxmax                           10.
  pxmajor                         1
  pymin                           -10
  pymax                           20

  infocolor                       nd black                           # turn off info block but turn on filename only
  labelsize                       2


# first simulation - initial solution calculations

include ''                                                    # standard file for making a predominance plot

Salt                                                                 # used below
  NaCl = Na+ + Cl-
  log_k 0

Description	temp	pH	pe	Ba	Ca	Cl	O(0)	F	Fe	C(4)	K	Mg	Mn	Na	N(3)	N(5)	Si	S(6)	Sr
				mg/kgw	mg/kgw	mg/kgw	mg/kgw	mg/kgw	mg/kgw	mg/kgw as HCO3	mg/kgw	mg/kgw	mg/kgw	mg/kgw	mg/kgw	mg/kgw	mg/kgw	mg/kgw as SO4	mg/kgw
# Site 1	11.2	7.08	3.63	0.0369	176	114	0.3	0.294	0.67	344	3.45	13	0.0294	75.3	0.12	0.077	3.96	166	0.816
# Site 2	7.1	7.03	3.38	0.0422	209	102	0.17	0.203	0.85	355	4.54	12.4	0.0347	93.5	0.0987	0.265	3.7	272	0.713
# Site 3	10.2	7.04	3.02	0.0408	189	86.2	0.17	0.145	0.558	345	6.36	11.2	0.0306	42.8	0.0323	0.264	3.38	201	0.573
# Site 4	10.1	7.01	4.58	0.0098	168	55.9	0.11	0.263	0.0338	332	4.74	11	0.0078	38.3	0.0512	2.55	3.37	168	0.694
# Site 5	10.0	7.06	3.92	0.0136	184	59.5	0.11	0.376	0.123	353	3.36	12.1	0.0114	48.6	0.123	0.341	3.59	196	0.947
# Site 6	10.8	7.18	1.67	0.0272	132	46.6	0.14	0.558	0.413	312	2.89	13.2	0.0066	51.9	0.239	-0.05	4.02	142	1.13
# Site 7	9.9	7.14	1.48	0.0169	142	46.3	0.17	0.225	0.643	340	3.25	24.6	0.0068	53.9	0.347	-0.05	4.9	199	1.85
# Site 8	6.0	7.03	3.03	0.0389	204	102	0.31	0.21	0.899	379	4.43	12.3	0.0406	91	0.0975	0.209	3.47	262	0.695
# Site 9	10.3	7.05	7.63	0.007	170	55.5	2.18	0.1	0.0025	310	2.71	7.06	0.00066	26	-0.007	4.5	3.22	127	0.373
  Site 10	10.0	7.09	5.20	0.0083	178	55.6	2.82	0.084	0.0252	310	2.9	6.57	0.0039	26.7	-0.007	5.23	3.37	131	0.348
# Site 11	10.3	7.29	6.47	0.0091	176	56	1.89	0.095	0.0025	315	2.85	7.37	0.00053	27.5	0.0146	4.23	3.34	134	0.39
# Site 12	10.2	7.1	3.81	0.0068	173	71.6	1.34	0.135	0.0251	307	3.07	6.88	0.00095	40.4	0.019	4.49	3.11	137	0.404
# Site 13	11.0	7.09	3.50	0.0123	169	58	8.74	0.059	0.0025	263	4.59	7.38	0.00008	23.6	-0.007	16.3	2.9	110	0.27
# Site 14	10.2	7.22	1.93	0.0132	176	42	0.21	0.272	0.209	307	2.68	8.09	0.0056	22.3	0.0747	-0.05	2.74	171	0.679
# Site 15	10.2	7.18	3.40	0.0142	168	45.1	0.21	0.355	0.132	318	3.33	8.48	0.0047	29.9	0.0924	-0.05	2.87	163	0.698
# Site 16	6.2	7.09	3.15	0.0135	160	55.7	0.14	0.253	4.23	346	2.62	15.1	0.0657	36.6	0.1	-0.05	4.24	153	0.81
# Site 17	10.2	6.51	3.90	0.0124	166	45.2	0.21	0.362	0.336	317	3.19	8.33	0.0084	29.3	0.0911	-0.05	2.9	159	0.708
# Site 18	10.4	7.03	3.06	0.0159	173	46.7	0.22	0.398	0.154	314	3.48	9.26	0.0047	33.2	0.106	-0.05	3.1	167	0.803
# Site 19	9.3	7.23	7.53	0.0078	181	45.4	0.1	0.213	1.36	311	3.1	7.04	0.0184	19.6	0.0232	-0.05	2.92	178	0.538
# Site 20	10.1	7.07	6.86	0.0089	183	44.9	0.1	0.241	0.132	317	3.09	7.39	0.0059	20.4	0.033	-0.05	2.91	175	0.602

# second (final) simulation)

USE solution 1
  Fix_H+ -<x_axis> NaOH 10
    -force_equality  true
  O2(g)  <y_axis> 10
  CO2(g) -3.5                                                       # degas
  Salt   -12 10 dissolve                                            # ensures that there will always be sufficient Na present for Fix_H+

  Calcite         0 0
  Gypsum          0 0
  Dolomite        0 0
  Siderite        0 0
  Quartz          0 0
  Fe(OH)3(a)      0 0
  Hausmannite     0 0
  Pyrolusite      0 0
  Manganite       0 0
  Rhodochrosite(d)   0 0                                             # disordered
  Pyrochroite     0 0
# Birnessite      0 0                                                # more stable than Pyrolusite - suppress
  Bixbyite        0 0
  Fluorite        0 0
  Barite          0 0