'List species' examples

Command Purpose
lsp wateq4f.dat outputs a summary of the major PHREEQC database-related keywords found in the file wateq4f.dat in the current directory
lsp -s wateq4f.dat as above but includes a list of all species
lsp -d wateq4f.dat as above but appends details including key parameter values (e.g. log_k's)
lsp -l wateq4f.dat as above but appends line numbers and analytical expressions
lsp -e -t wateq4f.dat as above but appends the defining equations and tidies them up
lsp -s -b=4,5 wateq4f.dat outputs all the PHASES (solids and gases) in wateq4f.dat
lsp -r -s "*.dat" >lsp.out recursively outputs a list of all species in all *.dat files in the current directory and all sub-directories and sends results to lsp.out
lsp -r -p -s -f="U" "*" recursively finds all U species in all files
lsp -d -f="U.*CO3" "*.dat" outputs details for all U-CO3 species in .dat files in the current directory
lsp -d -p -f="C[^a-z],C$" "*.dat" outputs details for all carbon species in .dat files in the current directory
lsp -d -f="C|*" "*.dat" outputs details for all carbon species in .dat files in the current directory
lsp -r -s -x="\.pqo$ \.doc$" "*" analyse all files in the current directory and sub-directories excluding all files with extensions .pqo and .doc
lsp -d -c new.dat old.dat compare line-by-line after reducing both files to lsp -d format. Then send the output to 'WinMerge' if found else 'fc' or if set, an explicit -c="<app>"
lsp -c="diff" -co="-wB -C 0" -o "new.dat old.dat" compare new.dat and old.dat in their original formats using the 'diff' program. Ignore white space and blank lines; output no extra context lines
lsp -f="Alkalinity|H|O|E|Na|K|Mg|Ca|Cl|C|S|N" -f2 llnl.dat makes a filtered llnl.dat database file containing just the major element species
lsp -f2 -k="asis" -ts llnl.dat New! tidies llnl.dat with no sorting, filtering etc. and retains comments in order. Add -e to only reformat the species equations.
lsp -f3 -e -t wateq4f.dat makes a comma-separated spreadsheet format file with trimmed equations. The location is: .lsp.csv, where filename is, e.g., wateq4f.dat
lsp -f help for option f
lsp -h | more full help with paging

List species (lsp)


The list species app (lsp) is a small command line program ('app') for analysing PHREEQC-format database files. It helps to count and view the species defined within a file at several levels of detail. It also has a file comparison mode for locating small differences between two database files and the ability to trim and tidy up existing database files.


Currently the app is only available for x64 Windows. Other operating systems may be supported at a later date.

To install, download and run the Windows installer. An option will be given to download the WinMerge app to provide a visual file viewer for file comparisons (recommended).


After installation it is worth adding the app, lsp.exe, to your path so that it is readily found. The app will be found in the application directory that you chose during installation.

To run, open a command line (console) window and type

>lsp -h

where h (for 'help') is an option. This should give a list of all the options and can be viewed here. A list of examples is given in the right panel. Individual help information is available via lsp -<option>, e.g. lsp -c for the file comparison option.

All output is to the screen. Output to a file can be made using redirection by adding '> <filename>' to the end of the command.

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Last updated: 19 May 2024