
  jobTitle                             "WJ AMD"
  Database                             "wateq4fhao.dat"    # includes Hao surface definitions
  calculationType                      ht1
  calculationMethod                    1
  mainSpecies                          C
  xmin                                 2.0
  xmax                                 10.0
  ymin                                 -80.0               # use PO2(g) to control redox
  ymax                                 0.0
  resolution                           250

  plotTitle                            "Wheal Jane AMD"
  xtitle                               pH
  yscale                               pe                  # use pe scale
  pymin                                -10                 # minimum pe on plot
  lineWidth                            0.1
  minimumAreaForLabeling               1                   # don't label small fields (diagram v complex)
  extraText                            "extratextwj.dat"


include 'ht1.inc' 

   -conv 1e-12                                             # Default is 1e-12 for high_precision
   -iterations 500                                         # Default is 100. Increase for some complex problems
   -pe_step_size 2                                         # For complex systems, eg with several surfaces decrease to 2. Default is 10
   -reset false

Hydrozincite                                               # a possibility
   Zn5(OH)6(CO3)2 + 10H+ = 5Zn+2 + 2CO2 + 8H2O
   log_k 45.75 #9.15
   -delta_H  -256.5 kJ  #Preis & Gamsjager 2001

   temp      21.6
   pH        3.5
   pe        1.69                                          # 100 mV from other sample
#  redox     pe
   units     mg/L
   density   1
#  Alkalinity 12.7 as HCO3-                                # probably Al
   C    10  as H2CO3 CO2(g) -2
   Cl   179
   F    44
   S(6) 1390  as SO4  #reduction of this produces a lot of OH-  1390
   Ca   191
   Mg   43
   Na   93
   K    12
   Al   25   # 25 really
   Si   11.0
   Sr   1.87
   Ba   0.052
   Li   2.7
   Fe   346
   Mn   19.7
   As   2.1
   Zn   125
   -water    1 # kg

USE solution 1
   Fix_H+  -<x_axis> NaOH     10
     -force_equality true
   O2(g)   <y_axis>  0.1
   CO2(g)  -3.5   0.01  # gets CH4 and native As
   Halite  -6.34  10

Al(OH)3(a)	0 0                                             # possible minerals
As_native	0 0
Ba3(AsO4)2	0 0
Barite  	0 0
Calcite	        0 0
Dolomite	0 0
Fe(OH)3(a)	0 0
Fluorite	0 0
Halloysite	0 0
Hausmannite	0 0
Hydrozincite	0 0
Jarosite(ss)	0 0
JarositeH	0 0
Jarosite-Na	0 0
Manganite	0 0
Orpiment	0 0
Pyrite	 	0 0
Pyrochroite	0 0
Pyrolusite	0 0
Realgar		0 0
Rhodochrosite	0 0
Siderite	0 0
Sphalerite	0 0
Strontianite	0 0
ZnO(a)		0 0

SURFACE 1                                                  # two surfaces
    Hfo_sOH Fe(OH)3(a)      equilibrium_phase 0.005  53300
    Hfo_wOH Fe(OH)3(a)      equilibrium_phase 0.2

    Hao_sOH Al(OH)3(a)      equilibrium_phase 0.005  7800  # mainly guesswork but would be wrong to ignore completely
    Hao_wOH Al(OH)3(a)      equilibrium_phase 0.2