
# Example of fitting some As sorption on Hfo data from Dzombak and Morel (1991)

  calculationType                      fit
  calculationMethod                    1
  labels                               "EAs1" "EAs2" "EAs3" "EAs4" "EAs5" "EAs6" "EAs1" "EAs2" "EAs3" \
                                       "EAs4" "EAs5" "EAs6"                    # used in turn for labelling points then curves in plot
  dataFile                             "1eAsv.dat"                             # file containing observations and independent variables
  dependentVariableColumnObs           6                                       # dep variable is in column 6
  dependentVariableColumnCalc          4                                       # this where the calcd values are foudn in selected output - see below
  fitFiniteDiffStepSize                1.0E-02                                 # size of initial shift in parameter values looking for response
  fitConvergenceCriterion              1.0E-03                                 # controls when convergence has been achieved
  fitMaxStepSize                       1.0
  fitWeightingMethod                   2                                       # 2 = take weights from fit data file
  weightColumn                         7                                       # weights in column 7 in fit data file
  blockRangeColumn                     8                                       # column 8 defines which PHREEQC simulation (see below) to use for each point
  numberOfFitParameters                3
  fitParameterNames                    "log_K1" "log_K2" "log_K4"
  fitLogParameters                     0 0 0                                   # 0 = linear parameter values (ie don't use log param)
  fitAdjustableParameters              1 1 1                                   # 1 = adjustable (0 = fixed)
  fitParameterValues                   29.31 23.51 10.58                       # initial values

  plotTitle                            "Refitting As(V) sorption data for Hfo<br>(1eAsv.dat)"
  xtitle                               pH
  ytitle                               "% bound"
  lines                                calculated                              # the 'calculated' column in the 'out' file is plotted as a line
  points                               observed                                # the 'observed' column in the 'out' file is plotted as points
  convertLabels                        F                                       # prevents the labels being interpreted as species
  changeColor                          T                                       # give subsets a sequence of difft colours
  useLineColorDictionary               0                                       # 0 = do NOT use the line colour dictionary for colours
  pointSize                            3.0                                     # symbols will be 3 mm (nominal)
  customXcolumn                        8                                       # x-axis variable is in column 8 of the 'out' file
  plotFactor                           1.0                                     # can use this to scale whole plot
  extraText                            "extratextfithfoAsv.dat"                # additional text for plot


  H+ = H+
  log_k 0.
Fe(OH)3(a)          112
        Fe(OH)3 + 3H+ = Fe+3 + 3H2O
        log_k           4.891
        -add_constant  -10                                                     # prevents Fe(OH)3(a) from dissolving

#   Arsenate
        Hfo_wOH + AsO4-3 + 3H+ = Hfo_wH2AsO4 + H2O
        log_k   <log_K1>                                                       # the first parameter is substituted here

        Hfo_wOH + AsO4-3 + 2H+ = Hfo_wHAsO4- + H2O
        log_k   <log_K2>

        Hfo_wOH + AsO4-3 = Hfo_wOHAsO4-3
        log_k   <log_K4>

  high_precision true
  reset false

-headings pH Hfo AsT %sorbed                                                   # fourth column (%sorbed) is compared with observations
10 Hfo=equi("Fe(OH)3(a)")
20 totAs=SYS("As")
30 pcsorb=100*SURF("As","Hfo")/totAs
40 PUNCH -la("H+"), Hfo, totAs, pcsorb
    Hfo_sOH Fe(OH)3(a)      equilibrium_phase 0.005  53300                     # D&M Hfo parameters
    Hfo_wOH Fe(OH)3(a)      equilibrium_phase 0.2
  units mol/kgw
  Na     <I>                                                                   # <I>, <FeT> and <AsT> are from the fit data file
  N(5)   <I> charge
  Fe     <FeT>
  As     <AsT>
  O2(g)  -0.67   0.1
  Fix_H+ -<pH> NaOH                                                            # <pH> from the fit data file
    -force_equality true
  Fe(OH)3(a) 0 0